Java Spring Boot

Duration : 4 Days (32 Hours)

Java Spring Boot Course Overview:

Java Spring Boot is an open-source framework that offers a robust platform for creating applications. It streamlines the development process for developers by providing essential tools to build, test, and deploy applications efficiently. With Java Spring Boot, developers can quickly create applications with minimal code and easily expand and customize them as required. The framework lays a solid foundation for applications, making them more resilient to changes and reducing development time.

Spring Boot is well-suited for cloud-native and containerized deployments, making it easier to deploy applications in modern environments. It seamlessly integrates with microservices and distributed systems, supporting the development of scalable and resilient applications.

One of the key advantages of Spring Boot is its convention over configuration approach. This approach reduces the need for explicit configurations, making applications more flexible, maintainable, and scalable. Developers can focus on writing business logic rather than spending time on boilerplate code.

Additionally, Spring Boot simplifies various tasks, such as database connectivity, security implementation, resource management, logging, and web-based user interface development. It provides built-in features and libraries to handle these tasks, saving developers time and effort.

Overall, Java Spring Boot is a powerful and feature-rich framework that empowers developers to create high-quality, production-ready applications with ease, making it a popular choice for modern Java development.

Intended Audience:

  1. Java Developers
  2. Software Engineers
  3. Application Architects
  4. DevOps Engineers
  5. Microservices Developers
  6. Web Application Developers
  7. Backend Developers
  8. Software Development Teams
  9. Cloud Application Developers
  10. Enterprise Application Developers

Learning Objectives of Java Spring Boot:

1. Learn the fundamentals of Spring Boot by understanding the core components and their features.
2. Create declarative RESTful services with Spring Web MVC.
3. Develop applications with annotations and configuration.
4. Get familiar with deploying and managing Spring-Boot applications.
5. Use Spring Boot’s starter templates to get up and running quickly.
6. Use Spring Boot Actuator to monitor and manage your applications.
7. Learn how to use Data Access objects to perform CRUD operations.
8. Integrate your applications with popular frameworks, such as Angular and React.
9. Take advantage of powerful enterprise features like security, authentication, and authorization.
10. Connect with external services, such as databases and messaging systems.
11. Create, own and manage build pipelines with automation tools, such as Gradle and Maven.
12. Automate tasks with Spring Boot’s scheduled tasks and asynchronous programming.

 Module 1: Introduction to Spring
  • Spring Modules
  • Introduction to IOC
  • Types of DI
  • Setter VS Constructor
  • Collection DI
  • Bean Inheritance
  • Inner Beans
  • Bean Scopes
  • Bean auto wiring
  • Static Factory Method
  • Instance Factory Method
  • Bean Lifecycle
  • AOP Concepts
  • Programmatic VS Declarative AOP
  • Programmatic AOP
  • Types of Advices
  • Types of Pointcuts
  • Introduction to Spring MVC
  • Handler Mapping
  • Controllers
  • Validations
  • Views
  • Form tags
  • Intro to Spring Boot – What is Spring Boot and What It Does
  • Spring Boot Hello World / Spring Application
  • Download and Install STS IDE
  • Brief maven Overview
  • Spring Beans & Dependency Injection
  • Configuration
  • Configuration Properties
  • Application Properties & YAML Configuration
  • Spring Boot Annotations
  • Embedded server and its uses
  • What is Spring Boot Actuator
  • REST Overview (Characteristics/Capabilities, URI Templates, REST vs SOAP
  • REST and Spring MVC
  • Spring support for REST
  • @RequestMapping/@PathVariable, @RequestBody, @ResponseBody, HTTP Method conversion
  • URI Templates and @PathVariable
  • Writing RESTful Controllers / @RestController
  • Data Access Introduction
  • Spring Data JDBC
  • Basic Auto-configuration – Data source
  • Configuration Properties
  • Spring Boot’s JPA Support – spring-boot-starter-data-JPA
  • Adding the spring boot security starter
  • Apply the security configuration by writing our own authorization and authentication

Java Spring Boot Course Prerequisites:

• Strong knowledge of Java
• Knowledge of web technologies and services (such as web services, web security, etc.)
• Understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
• Knowledge of server-side scripting languages like JSP, ASP, PHP
• Understanding of the MVC architecture
• Working knowledge of databases (SQL preferably)
• Basic knowledge of XML/JSON
• Familiarity with version control systems such as CVS, SVN, and Git

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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